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Can A Root Canal Be Done On An Infected Tooth

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Signs That Warrant A Return Trip To The Dentist

Root canal treatment – Endodontics for tooth decay ©

Here are some common signs and symptoms of a root canal infection that mean you should schedule another visit to your dentist:

  • pain or discomfort ranging from mild tenderness to unbearable pain, especially when you apply pressure from eating or pressing on the tooth, or expose the tooth to extreme temperatures
  • pus discharge thats greenish, yellowish, or otherwise discolored
  • red, warm, swollen tissue near the tooth, especially the gums under or around the tooth in some cases, swelling can affect your face and neck, too
  • tenderness or discomfort in swollen tissue, especially when you touch or apply pressure to it
  • a bad taste in your mouth or a bad smell to your breath from infected tissue

What The Procedure Is Like

When a patient comes in with a toothache, we will begin by examining the tooth., During the examination, we will determine if the patient has a simple cavity that requires treatment. If so, we can simply remove the decayed portion of the tooth and use a filling to restore the tooth structure. However, if the center of the tooth is infected, we will need to take X-rays to determine the full extent of the problem before starting the procedure. When ready, we will numb the area and provide the patient with medication so one does not experience any discomfort during the root canal procedure.

To begin, we will create a small hole in the tooth to access the interior. We will carefully and gently pull out the infected pulp and roots before cleaning the tooth to remove any lingering infection. When necessary, we will also prescribe antibiotics. While it may sound strange, once the tooth is fully mature, the pulp and roots are not necessary for keeping the tooth alive. Removing the pulp will not hinder the longevity or stability of the actual tooth. The only thing root canal therapy will do is allow the tooth to remain in place and become healthy again.

What Is Dental Pulp

The pulp or pulp chamber is the soft area within the center of the tooth and contains the nerve, blood vessels, and connective tissue. The tooth’s nerve is in the “root” or “legs” of the tooth. The root canals travel from the tip of the tooth’s root into the pulp chamber.

A tooth’s nerve is not vitally important to a tooth’s health and function after the tooth has emerged through the gums. Its only function is sensory — to provide the sensation of heat or cold. The presence or absence of a nerve will not affect the day-to-day functioning of the tooth. However, after treatment the tooth is less viable and more susceptible to fracture.

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Warning Signs Of Root Canal Infection

A root canal infection is a debilitating oral condition that happens when bacteria invade the inner chamber of the teeth due to untreated dental decay or trauma. Patients with a root canal infection should seek treatment immediately because the infection can spread quickly once the bacteria attack the soft pulp material of the interior layer of the tooth. Root canal therapy is an effective treatment done to clean out the infected pulp and restore the tooth.

To ensure you visit the dentist in time for dental attention and treatment, you need to be familiar with the signs of root canal infection. This article focuses on the warning signs of the condition.

When Is Root Canal Therapy Necessary

Microsurgical Root Canal Treatment

An infected tooth often leads to tooth pain and sensitivity. Gum complications, such as gum swelling and discoloration, may also develop. If these signs exist, especially if the tooth in question is damaged, it is important to visit the dentist for a diagnosis and to learn about the available treatment options.

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Root Canal Preparation And Tips From Your Little Rock Endodontist

An abscessed tooth is no joke when it comes to dental infections. What starts out as a small bacterial infection can spread and really cause a patient pain. That is where root canals come in handy.

Root canals are often used to treat abscessed teeth. The procedure is used to go inside the tooth and remove any unwanted bacteria or growing infection. A root canal that treats an abscessed tooth before it worsens will save the patient from potentially life-threatening complications.

Here are a few more things you should know about how a root canal procedure will treat an abscessed tooth.

How To Cure Tooth Infection Without Root Canal Surgery

A tooth infection is one of the most painful sensations most of us will ever experience. The best way to get over the discomfort is to go to a walk-in dentist as soon as possible. If, by any chance, you live in Palatine, IL, you could handle any dental emergency at Clock Tower Dentistry, or any of the nearest dental offices that offer a range of infection treatment methods. That being said, we are also aware that most people are apprehensive at the thought of seeking emergency dental services.

Too often, we see patients who are deathly afraid of simple procedures like root canals. But is there a way to avoid having to remove the pulpy core of an infected tooth? The answer to that question is: sure but only in some cases. Still, if you want to know how to cure tooth infection without root canal treatment, youve come to the right place.

Now, before we talk about root canal procedures, we should explain how people get tooth infections. Usually, it has to do with improper dental hygiene, which encourages bacteria to eat through the hard surface of our teeth. Once that happens, getting past the dentine, the soft material under the enamel, into the root of the tooth is only a matter of time.

Thats also why we need to address issues like an occasional cracked or broken tooth as they occur. Not treating a chipped tooth is basically an invitation for bacteria to get through the porous dentine and to the sensitive pulpy core it surrounds.

The Life Cycle of a Tooth Infection

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How Should I Prepare For Root Canal Treatment

Before beginning your root canal, your healthcare provider can answer any questions you have about the procedure. Here are a few things you can do to prepare for your root canal treatment:

  • Take all medications as prescribed: You may be given antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications a few days before your appointment, especially if there is a lot of infection present.
  • Dont smoke: Tobacco products interfere with your bodys ability to heal itself. Avoid smoking several days before your root canal appointment and stop altogether if youre able.
  • Eat a healthy meal: Since the local anesthesia used during root canal therapy will make your mouth numb for a few hours, its a good idea to eat before your appointment.

Why Does The Pulp Need To Be Removed

What is a Root Canal? (Root Canal Procedure Step by Step)

When pulp is damaged, it breaks down, and bacteria begin to multiply within the pulp chamber. The bacteria and other dying pulp remnants can cause an infection or abscessed tooth. An abscess is a pus-filled pocket that forms at the end of a toothâs root. In addition to an abscess, an infection in the root canal of a tooth can cause:

  • Swelling that may spread to other areas of the face, neck, or head
  • Bone loss around the tip of the root
  • Drainage problems extending outward from the root. A hole can occur through the side of the tooth, with drainage into the gums or through the cheek into the skin.
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    What Is An Infected Tooth

    Another term for a tooth that is infected is that it has an abscess and can be extremely sensitive. Once it has been determined that there is an abscess, then the procedure to complete the root canal is pretty straight forward.

    It is best to ensure that the abscess is completely taken care of so that the root canal can be done. This will ensure that the structure of the tooth can be saved and kept in good condition. The steps to complete the root canal when dealing with an infected abscessed tooth are as follows:

    Can A Root Canal Infection Spread

    Yes. If not treated promptly, a root canal infection can spread to other parts of the body, including:

    • Gums and oral tissues
    • Cheeks and face

    A root canal infection wont go away on its own. Seeking treatment at the earliest signs of a root canal infection can help prevent the infection from spreading.

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    Pulp Response To Caries

    Pulpal response to caries can be divided into two stages â pre- and post-infection. In caries-affected human teeth, odontoblast-like cells appear at the dentine-pulp interface along with specialized pulp immune cells to combat caries. Once they identify specific bacterial components, these cells activate innate and adaptive immunity.

    In uninfected pulp, leukocytes can sample and respond to the environment, involving macrophages, dendritic cells , T cells and B cells. This sampling process is part of the normal immune response, as it triggers leukocytes from the circulatory system to adhere to endothelial cells lining blood vessels and then migrates to the site of infection for defense. Macrophages can phagocytose bacteria and activate T cells, triggering the adaptive immune response that occurs in association with DCs. In the pulp, DCs secrete a range of cytokines that influence immune responses, and are key regulators of the infection defence. A comparatively small number of B cells are present in healthy pulp tissue, and pulpitis and caries progression increase their numbers.

    When bacteria get closer to the pulp but are still confined to primary or secondary dentine, acid demineralization of dentine occurs, producing tertiary dentine to help protect the pulp from further injury.

    So If I Need A Root Canal Or Already Have One What Should I Do

    Root Canal Treatment

    If you knew you had an infection in your jaw thats draining pus from your tooth and retreating the root canal wont fully resolve it what would you do? The most important thing is to get the right imaging. You know the typical Xrays they take in the dental office? They sometimes dont show an infection if its there, even if it is a fairly large one. Why is this? Its because the infection and pus is in your jaw, and the bone essentially masks it or hides it. The only way to be sure of what is going on is to take a 3D image of the teeth called a cone beam. This technology is becoming more available in dentistry and more dental offices and specialists are using it for their patients because of the accuracy and the information provides.

    Here is an example. In the picture to the right you see a normal dental Xray of tooth #3 which has an existing root canal. So what do you see? Well, not much. There is no clear sign of a problem. And if you combine this with the fact that this patient has no symptoms, most dentists would take a look at the tooth ask if there was any pain anywhere. If the answer was no, they pass on by and not think twice about it.

    This image corresponds with the root canal tooth shown in the Xray above. These images allow us to see a tooth from all angles just like we are rotating the tooth. In this way we can see if there is a problem or not. Extremely important with root canal teeth.

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    Why You May Need Retreatment After A Root Canal

    Even when every step of the procedure goes smoothly, a tooth that is treated with a root canal may experience prolonged sensitivity or reinfection. According to the American Association of Endodontists , certain circumstances may prevent a tooth treated with a root canal from healing properly:

    • If the dental professional misses tiny, hidden canals or curved canals during the first treatment, the bacteria inside them may not be entirely removed and can cause infection.
    • Immediately after the root canal, the dental professional often places a temporary filling to provide a short-term seal for the root canal before placing the permanent restoration . If there is a delay in placing the permanent restoration, there is a greater chance that the root canal can get reinfected.
    • If bacteria in the saliva get under the filling material before the filling is placed, the canal can become reinfected.
    • If the patient doesnt maintain proper oral hygiene, new cavities can form on the same tooth that already received a root canal.
    • A filling or crown placed on the tooth that received the root canal can crack, loosen or break, allowing a new infection to start.

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    Improperly Done Root Canal

    It is one of the most common causes of a tooth abscess. It can be attributed to several different factors that come into play when one opts for a root canal. At times, for instance, the canals are not treated properly as they are very curved or narrow. At times, the filling inside the root canal does not extend up to the tip. As opposed to this, sometimes the filling in the canal even extends into the bone. Also, there are cases wherein there is an extra canal present in the root, which the dentist fails to anticipate even after opting for an X-ray.

    In all these cases where a root canal is not properly filled or even one canal of the tooth is not filled, it becomes an open ground for the proliferation of bacteria, which, in turn, leads to the formation of dental abscess.

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    Infected Root Canal Warning Signs

    Posted on: December 13, 2018

    When you are concerned that you may have an infection after having a root canal performed, then knowing the warning signs is essential to your good overall health. Root canals are often a necessary procedure in order to save a tooth at risk of being lost. Even though root canal complications tend to be few and far between, they do exist. This makes it essential for you to pay close attention to any warning signs that may be present.

    What Are The Signs That Root Canal Therapy Is Needed

    Treatment of Abscessed Teeth

    Signs you may need root canal therapy include:

  • Severe toothache pain upon chewing or application of pressure
  • Prolonged sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures
  • Discoloration of the tooth
  • Swelling and tenderness in nearby gums
  • A persistent or recurring pimple on the gums
  • Sometimes no symptoms are present.

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    What To Expect During A Root Canal

    A root canal procedure can generally be performed in one to four appointments.

    During the first appointment, the doctor will:

  • Remove the pulp tissue
  • Place a temporary filling material called calcium hydroxide into the root of the tooth
  • The dentist cleans and shapes the treated tooths root canals at the second appointment, placing the permanent filling material called gutta percha into the tooth’s root.

    If necessary, the third and fourth appointments are when a crown, or other restorative dental procedure, is completed to restore the tooth to full function.

    What Are The Signs Of Infection After A Root Canal

    At Bay City Dental Center, Dr. Matthew Ward recommends root canal therapy to patients with a cavity that has a dying root. This usually causes pain or tooth sensitivity. During a dental exam with X-rays at our Bay City, MI dental office, he examines a patients teeth and gums thoroughly to detect any oral health issues that need to be resolved, including a root canal.

    A root canal is necessary when there is a tooth with decay that has reached the pulp of the tooth. He can immediately decide at this appointment whether root canal therapy is best for your oral health. After you have a root canal, he will explain root canal recovery instructions, including signs of infection.

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    There’s Still Hope For A Re

    posted: Nov. 11, 2018.

    Most first-time root canal treatments achieve their purpose in saving an internally decayed tooth and extending its life to match those of the patients non-decayed teeth. Occasionally, though, a root canal-treated tooth may become re-infected by decay.

    There are a number of reasons for this: the permanent crown meant to add further protection against decay may have been delayed, giving bacteria an opening to re-infect the tooth its also possible the original seal for the pulp chamber and root canals after filling wasnt sufficient to prevent bacterial contamination.

    Theres also another reason thats very difficult to foresee the presence of narrow, curved root canals in the tooth that can pose complications during the procedure. Some of these known as accessory or lateral canals branch off the main canals to create a complex network thats difficult to detect during the initial procedure. If theyre not cleaned out and filled during the procedure any tissue trapped in them can remain infected and ultimately die. If these canals also open into the periodontal membrane at the attachment between the teeth and bone, the infection can spread there and become a periodontal infection that can trigger future tooth loss.

    Why Root Canals Are Necessary

    Root Canal

    When the center of the tooth becomes infected, it cannot be treated without removing the center of the tooth or root canal. In order to do so, root canal therapy becomes necessary. In some cases, the dental pulp is the only thing that is infected. While, in other situations, the root is infected as well.

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